It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. For outdoor use only.
Use Restrictions
Remove or cover exposed food and drinking water before application.
Do not allow adults, children or pets to enter the treated area until sprays have dried.
Do not use in enclosed porches.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact adults, children or pets, either directly or through drift.
Do not allow people or pets to enter the treatedareas until vapors, mists and aerosols have dispersed and the treated area has been thoroughly ventilated.
- Do not water the treated area to the point of runoff.
- Do not make applications during rain.
- All outdoor applications must be limited to spot or crack-and-crevice treatments only, except for the following permitted uses:
- Treatment to soil or vegetation around structures
All outdoor applications to impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, patios, porches and structural surfaces (such as windows, doors and eaves) are limited to spot and crack-and-crevice applications only.
- Application is prohibited directly into sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter where drainage to sewers, storm drains, water bodies or aquatic habitat can occur. Do not allow the product to enter any drain during or after application.
SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING. Point spray nozzle away from face. Hold can at a slight downward angle. For best results, spray when air is calm. Allow a few minutes for product to take effect. Spray with wind if slight breeze is blowing (i.e., under 5 mph).
Flies, Mosquitoes, Flying Moths, Gnats and Wasps: Spray area infested with these flying insects. Hold container 5-10 ft away from shrubs, bushes and grassy areas. Spray these areas with a slow, sweeping motion at the rate of one to three seconds per cubic yard of space while moving away from the treated area. To reduce annoyance from these pests, treat open porches and patios in a similar manner. Allow fog to drift over area. Give special attention to breeding areas such as garbage cans and compost piles. Spray only when the air is still. Allow spray to dissipate before occupying the treated area. Repeat as necessary, but no more than once per day.
Ants (except carpenter, fire, pharaoh and harvester ants), Crickets, Sowbugs and Firebrats: Spray infested surface of patio, campsite, deck or picnic area, hitting as many insects as possible. Also spray legs of tables and chairs to repel ants. Spray ant hills for best control. Keep 5-10 ft away from ornamental plants while spraying. Repeat as necessary, but no more than once per day.